Music for Film

Released Film Music

Oscar is composing and producing Music for Films since 2015. He won in 2022 the price of the best Film music in the international Brazilian film festival OFFCINE, for the short film « Cours Toujours » by Théophile Boutin.

To serve the needs of the Films, Oscar can bring all his instruments together (Cello, Clarinet, Piano, Guitar, Synthesizer, Accordeon, vocals, Electronic Devices…).

He produces with the Software « Ableton LIVE » together with the Sound Database PLUG-IN « Omnisphere II » which brings a lot of sound diversity in his work going from pure acoustic pieces to very electronic sounds.

Since 2015, he did many collaborations with the French Film Director Théophile Boutin. Here are a few extracts of the collaborations :

Other ideas

Oscar composed and started to produce many other musical ideas that could be developed more one day to become a film music. Here you can have a Listen to some of these drafts :

Corona Time

Le Ticket de Métro

Solitude des 25 ans

E.T. se met au Piano


Paris in May

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