Live Full Band

Oscar proposes a Full Band Formule on Stage with his Jazz Band to perform his dancy Songs.

Full Band Recordings

Oscar is going regularly to the Studio « Acces Digital » (Rouen, France) with his Jazz Quartet. He also record overdubs alone with his different instruments (Cello, Clarinet, Guitars, Piano, voice, …) in order to bring the songs to the next level, either in his Home Studio or in « Acces Digital » depending on the needs. Plan is to release the first Album in Autumn 2024.

Here you can have a listen to the current status of the Full Band Live Recordings (without any overdubs for now):

Le Pedalo Manouche


Toutes les Basses

No more Alone

Berlin Swing


Tropical Swing


Here you can find some footages of the concerts they gave in France and Germany.

Concert with JAZZ EN SEINE at L’Entrepot, Rouen

Concert with JAZZ EN SEINE at L’Eglise Saint-Jean Eudes, Rouen

Concert at PADEL ARENA


Oscar lived 10 years in Berlin and performed there with local artists, playing his songs in typical Berlin stages. In Berlin he met many great artists from all around the world and he is still going there to perform with some projects there. For his first Album, Oscar plans to make a European tour to sell his album and spread his music.

Here is a Live Video of one of those concerts :

Concert in Berlin Klunckerkranich


Concert at the “Intruso” in Madrid

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